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MACO, the Museum of Oriental Art and Culture, is a small private cultural heritage institution that depends exclusively for its survival on the support of our patrons and volunteers. Your support and donations are essential in helping us to continue to bring our services to the public and conserving the Namkhai Collection for future generations.


Your gift of support can take many forms, from offering your time as a volunteer for the Museum to providing an endowment, to ensure the future of the MACO.

You could also consider supporting one of our projects for 2021:

Beyond the Jade Gate a Silk Road Pilgrimage: is a series of new displays which represents our first major renewal of the permanent  exhibitions on the ground floor of the MACO.

For a short introduction to this project, which will become a part of the relief map installation, visit our Youtube channel.

Research Space: The startup funding provided by the Union of Italian Buddhists (UBI) for our collaboration with the British Museum, will run out at the end of this year. 

Your support is essential for the long-term success of this project and will permit us to use the Research Space platform to enrich the Namkhai Collection with detailed annotations, associated resources and link the treasures held in the Namkhai Collection, to the holdings of other cultural  institutions, such as the British Museum. With your help we will be able to share and preserve the Namkhai Collection for future generations. For more information about this project and how you can help, please feel free to contact us.

The Catalogue of the Namkhai Collection: this will be our first major venture into publishing. This project will be greatly facilitated by the Research Space platform.


If you are interested in supporting any of these initiatives or considering donating objects, to further enrich the Namkhai Collection, please feel free to contact us.


Phone: +39 0564 164 0335


You can also donate by bank transfer to the following account number:

IBAN: IT65G0311172190000000001718

Comunità Dzogchen di Merigar –  Loc. Merigar  58031  Arcidosso,  Grosseto, Italia.

Object: Donation MACO

Bitcoin: bc1qgzjdy93yqylkfe2wrm60dgmfls649pqve368j8

Ethereum: 0x0884c056484113524d594225D7bc6Cc3C3AFb8d7



Elena Dumcheva

Elerin Uibù

Elisha Koppensteiner

Emanuele Assini

Fabian Sanders

Fabio Andrico 

Fabio Rissolo

Fanny Gulacsì

Federico Capriuoli

Felice Storgato

Filippo Micillo

Fiorella Minetti

Franca Fubini

Francesco Festa

Franco Volpago

Fulvio Ferrari

Gabriele Siedlecki

George Bruseker


Gino Vitiello 

Giorgio Barberio Corsetti

Giorgio Dall'Orto

Giorgio Minuzzo

Giovanna Natalini

Giovanni Boni

Luna Lattarulo

Magda Zych

Mandarava Bricaire

Mara Nishimoto

Marco Bisdomini

Marco Dwen Colombo 

Adriana Dal Borgo

Alessandra Policreti

Alex Siedlecki

Alexander Popov

Alice Arca

Anne Bancroft

Andrea Bucaioni

Andrea Caratelli 

Angelica Siedlecki

Angelica Sodi

Anna Pucci

Arthur Durey

Augustinas Maceina

Basilio Maritano

Benedetta Tagliabue

Brian Nichols

Carla Gnecchi

Christiane Rhein

Clara Luliano

Claudia Nolano

Claudio Galeota

Costantino Albini

Cristina Mazzei

Curzio Aloisi

Cvetko Jovanovic

Daniela Monaci


David Surricchio

Dimitri Fieri

Dina Priymak

Donatella Cavezzali

Izabella Jaroszewska

Jacobella Gaetani

Jamyang Oliphant

Janina Dan

Jennifer Fox

Jim Smith 

Jono Nussbaum

Joseph Houseal

Kamala Eagleton

Kasia Zawadka

Kirian Regan

Kostya Kostin

Kunga Sonam Tsering

Lena Dumcheva

Lenka Chanova

Leo China

Liane Graf 

Lili Grubber

Liliya Letti

Linda Hauerova

Liz Kidera

Luca Coscarelle

Lucia China

Lucia Splendorio

Rita Bizzotto

Rita Letti

Roman Zeppegno

Romeo Kuonen

Rosa Namkhai

Salima Celeri

Salvatore Pironti

Margherita Pansa


Massimo Catalfo

Mateuz Kocylowski

Matteo Dell'Angelo

Matteo Maglietti

Mauro Zanichelli

Migmar Tsering

Mike Farmer

Mirella D'Angelo

Muriela Colajacomo

Namsal Siedlecki

Nancy Simmons

Natasha Priymak

Nicola Cassano

Nikol Stanisova

Oleksandr Zhytko


Palden McGamwell

Paolo Fassoli

Pia Brameza

Piero Bonacina

Prima Mai

Renata Nanni

Gisela Martinez

Guido Gnecchi

Helena Hladilova

Igor Legati

Igor Renzetti

Isabel Wagner

Sebastiano Ratti

Soledad Suarez

Sonam Choki

Steffano Depperu

Susan Schwarz

Svetlana Vajnine

Tamara Lerner

Tanita Ferrari

Tobia Sagazio

Thinley Koblenski

Thomas Garnett

Titti Pastore

Tiziana Gotardi

Tomasz Czuba

Tomy Edgar

Tsering Surricchio

Ugyen Dorji



Vern Harrington

Yangcen Giulia Tsering 

Yushan Zhong


Alex Siedlecki

Augustinas Maceina

Carla Gnecchi

Costantino Albini

Giancarlo Alagna

Emanuele Triggiani

Giovanni Vitale

Jacobella Gaetani

 Lauri Marder

Laura Evangelisti

Mauro Zanichelli

Namsal Siedlecki

Nina Robinson

Prima Mai

Paula Barry

Paolo Fassoli

Silvio Ursini

Tiziana Gottardi




Chögyal Namkhai Norbu

Rosa Namkhai

Felice Storgato

Libor Malý

Pia Bramezza

Rita Bizzotto




Comune di Arcidosso

European Union

Far Maremma

Regione Toscana

Union of Italian Buddhists (UBI)

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